It is most certainly the most wonderful time of the year. No doubt about it! At the beginning of November, I’m always debating how early is TOO early to put up Christmas but I always end up waiting until the week after Thanksgiving.
This was just supposed to be a short post with a bunch of photos of photos of the Christmas décor but, you know me; I always have to throw in some drama. Lol. Maybe not drama, per say, but I realized something after I was done trimming my 12-foot Noble fir; it’s the first time in 4 years that I actually do it myself. For 4 years I’ve been hiring some incredible folks to come and help with the lighting and trimming under my direction because I’ve just been too exhausted. I could certainly have done it myself but I knew the recovery would take away precious and much needed December hours from my kids (or Christmas shopping). Honestly I think it’s the celery juice (google it).
To think that I went through David and Anna’s pregnancies plus a combined 1.5 years of nursing while traveling to New York once a month for 4 years and nursing through the night, then waking up to 12 hour shooting days right now seems INSANE. INSANE. I would never do that to myself again and if I would I would have a much stronger say in what I need to be done for me and my children to stay healthy. But here we are and all roads lead to here and I love it here.
But back to the holiday Casa. I think I’ve talked enough about my mom for you guys to know that she’s my biggest inspiration in all things décor/holiday/food and just life in general. She’d go all out. And there was no Pinterest back then so that idea that she had of taking all of the Disney characters she had and creating a winter wonderland in the entry hall of our Tijuana home was all her. She didn’t care what it took. She needed magic. And so do I.
I must confess, after driving through Christmas Lane, a Chula Vista street with homes heavily lit and decorated for the holiday season, David asked (actually begged) for one of those plug-in inflatable and ginormous lawn ornaments. Would it be too much and too graphic to say that I’d rather poke my eyes with needles than get one of those? Please don’t send me a million messages about my judgement about inflatables. My sister puts them up every year and my kids love her décor more than mine and I can totally live with that. The issue I have is that, every year, this mission of mine is more clear and I NEED to use these opportunities to showcase the Mexican designers, textiles, and one-of-a-kind pieces that I’ve collected in my travels through Mexico. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of what you see in these photos is from shops we all know in the US. One of the items you’ve commented the most was the white nativity scene from the fabulous Target. And the monogrammed stockings on the living room mantel are from Crate and Barrel. The ornaments on my tree? Those are from Mexico City, Oaxaca, San Miguel, antique shops in La Jolla and Marshalls! Glass ornaments on the dining room table? Nordstrom’s, West Elm and City Lights in San Diego. Brass Candlesticks are from Etsy!
There are too many items collected over too many years to list all of them but please ask me in the comments section if you want info on anything specific. This year my live garlands were made by the incredible Melissa Flores of @atadosoficial. I suggested floral water vials for the pine bunches so the garlands wouldn’t dry out in our California weather. She one-upped me and showed up with an Oasis Foam Garland (google it!) that I didn’t even know existed. Maybe next year I’ll muster up the courage to do the garlands as well. Thank you for always being so kind in your comments! Ask away. I’m the kind of gal that has no issue giving away all her secrets/recipes/sources of joy. Whenever I do the universe has such a kind way of paying me back. Happy holidays familia. Tag me in your décor photos! Especially if they are inspired by Mexico so I can repost!!!