This is a big reveal that has to start with some truth-telling. I slept about 70 minutes last night. David is coming out of a fun weekend on the verge of croup (we stopped it!) and Anna is getting what looks like a runny nose, which has me riddled with anxiety that it could develop into something more. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that nursing her around the clock will keep her out of harm’s way, but only time will tell. Why all this talk about my kids and their health? Because it’s been a month since I’ve actually been able to sit and write. Mind you, in that month I birthed a preemie that stayed in the NICU for 10 days… some of the hardest ten days of my life that, honestly, made this blog and life in general (except for my family) seem pretty unimportant. And I came to realize, with Anna, that I get into this very technical state when my kids are born. I have to remind myself that they are human, that I have to connect with them, that I have to sing them songs and speak to them. I go into survival mode. I block out life and just focus on literally fattening them up during the first weeks. Into getting them into the best and healthiest shape. I forget that I or anybody else exists: everything is completely about them. And I realized that that’s very much how I tackle projects that I’m very passionate about… like this book.
Casa Marcela is an invitation into my home and family life. You’ll see what I mean when you get it. My recipes, my house, my kids, my novio, my friends, my family… my everything. It’s like camping out in my front yard for a few weeks, peeking into the kitchen or dining room or living room window every once in a while to witness a gathering or a family meal. As if I invited you into the garden to harvest some kale and cilantro, Philip poured you a glass of wine, and just maybe, if you hung around long enough, David let his guard down and called you tía. It’s my life… and that’s why I am both incredibly excited and incredibly nervous for this book to come out.
Today, I’m honored to share the cover with you. This is the table we set for a brunch with my girlfriends who I’ve had, literally, since birth. And actually, some of our relationships go back to our grandmothers. These gatherings are real. After more than a decade being a part of books, shows, editorials and such, each filled with makeup artists and assistants, and balancing all of that… I can tell you from personal experience, it’s hard to keep enough relationships going to fill that dinner table when you’re so focused on your work. But then Philip and the kids happened, and with them I realized that I needed to work a lot harder on my human connections. On the people that will be around after the TV shows are gone (hopefully when I’m, like, 90). And that is what I’ve done. I’ve made a conscious effort in the last few years to truly open my home, my garden, my heart, and my soul to the people that have supported me on this journey: my friends and family. I would be such a sad soul without them. Without Philip and my three kids, I don’t know what or where I’d be. They are my inspiration for this book, and that is why I’ve dedicated it to them. I couldn’t be more excited to present the cover of this book that captures a snapshot into all of these things that are so important to me.

So, why start this off with all of that information about the kids and croup and not sleeping? I guess it’s kind of an apology for being away from my blog after you all have been so supportive. Thank you for understanding that I had to go home and be home. I had to lock myself within the walls of that very Casa Marcela and nurture the ones that gave me the strength and inspiration to write this book. This cover reveal is just the beginning. Slowly I’m coming back. Book is in stores April 25th. We’re doing a multiple city book tour. We’ve locked down photo shoots and editorials with multiple publications. National TV spots are secured. Blogger events are being planned and there’s a product launch coming too. Believe me, I’ll be back and in full paisano force. So for now, here’s the cover and an avalanche of gratitude for your patience and coming by…
And now I’m off: I’ve got to go check on Anna and David wants to go check out the garden. Hope you like the cover; go ahead and pre-order if you’d like! I won’t make any promises, but I’ll be back again soon.
Besos, Marcela